LP-Address specification |
Written by Naoki Ueda |
LP-Address (LocaPoint 2)Specification Version 3.0.1 4,August,2010 1. FormatLP-Address has following format and total 15 letters in length.One [XYN] block is called "Chunk". XYN.XYN.XYN.XYN 2. Introducing "Base 6T (Base Six Thousand)" encoding designed for LP-Address.One Base6T value is consist of two capital alphabet and one number, and can have value of positive integer from [AA0] (=0) to [XY9] (=5999). Format is same as 'Chunk'. XYN Carry: When each digit is maximum value ([9] or [Y]) and increment more, carry over to next higher digit. Example of value: Decimal Base6T 3. Encode/Decode LogicLP-Address has a linear relationships with Latitude and Longitude (unit: decimal degree) in WGS84 datum. Following equation shows relationship. (Lat_Degree + 180.0) / 0.00001 = Latitude_STEP = a * 6000 + b a, b, c, and d are positive integer from 0 to 5999 Now LP-Address for location is: a'.c'.b'.d' Example: Latitude = +40.68916, Longitude = -74.04487 (Precision is 0.00001 degree) (+40.68916 + 180.0) / 0.00001 = 22068916 = 3678 * 6000 + 916 <--> [OR8] * 6000 + [DQ6] Thus, LP-Address is: OR8.HB5.DQ6.WB4
4. Structure of ChunksLatitude Elements XYN.XYN.XYN.XYN First and Third Chunk are Latitude Elements. Latitude Latitude-Element Note: For latitude, use only middle part (-90 to + 90 degree) of whole code range (-180 to +180 degree) Longitude Elements XYN.XYN.XYN.XYN Second and Forth Chunk are Longitude elements. Longitude Longitude-Element Area Code elements XYN.XYN.XYN.XYN First and Second Chunk constructs Area Code. Local Code elementsXYN.XYN.XYN.XYN Third and Forth Chunk constructs Local Code.
Last Updated on Sunday, 15 January 2012 23:07 |